Monday, October 3, 2011


And I am sure most of my loyal blog followers have already heard, but I started a new job at the beginning of September. I am an Executive Assistant/Office Manager for a company in the Denver Tech Center. "Hudson is a professional services firm specializing in Technology, Legal, Finance and Human Resources. We deliver professionals with specific expertise and provide turnkey solutions to improve our clients’ effectiveness." So far, so good. I really don't mind my job, the office is very nice and people are wonderful to work around! It's been a great change (especially the weekends off and paid holidays)!!


Courtney said...

Yay on the new job. I knew you had gotten a new one, but wasn't sure exactly what you were doing. Hopefully it will be a little less stressful than Target and I am sure with Christmas season right around the corner that you will be very thankful!

Hoenes Family said...

At first I thought you said "Turkey solutions" ha! Glad you love your new job! You deserve it!