My honey turned 29 yesterday, and celebrated by spending the day at Lagoon w/our friends. For those of you who don't know about Lagoon, it's a great amusement park located near Farmington, UT (just outside SLC). Ron loves ride and I'm not so much into them, I definitely prefer Lagoon-A-Beach (waterslides)! Well, this was the day to overcome my fear and finally get onto the scary rides and learn to love them! Couldn't have asked for a better birthday celebration! Enjoy all the pics!
The birthday boy!

Melissa and I waiting to go down Rattlesnake Rapids!

Alley and Kaiden w/attitude!

The whole gang (minus the b-day boy taking the picture)!!

Happy and dry before; still happy but wet after Rattlesnake Rapids!

Chris, Ron and Sarah riding the sky coaster!

Ron & Sarah riding the Catapult!

Chris, Ally & Sarah; The Mom, Kaiden & Lynda

Making faces!

Good night!
What a fun day! Happy Birthday to Ron! Lagoon is a great place to celebrate. Loved your pics.
I didn't know you went to Lagoon for Ron's b-day! That sounds like so much fun. You are a good sport to do that for him since you don't really like the rides. It looked like the perfect way to celebrate before heading back to school!
Holy crud Lynda!!!!!!! You rode those things!?!?!? You are so brave...and CRAZY!!! A date once took me on a catapult ride and I *never* would've gone if I'd known how awful it was going to be!!! But what a fun birthday, Lagoon is a blast!!!
Just to specify, no catapult ride...still too much of a scardy cat for that one. Of course Ron did that and one of our other friends. I guess I should specify and say I rode the semi-scary rides. he he I give myself too much credit!
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