So, the first week back to class (hopefully my last semester in school) was a doosie! I was minding my own business as I am riding my bike home from school Tuesday afternoon and notice a large bug flying right at me. So I swerve to miss it (of course when I get to this part of the story my mother immediately assumes I either wrecked my bike and tore up my knees or ran over a pedestrian), anyhow I don't miss it and I feel this sharp pain and my arm starts tingling and stinging. So, I go home and ice it and Ron tells me to quit being a baby (so much for getting any pity from anyone) it's no big deal. So, I wake up Wednesday and it's a bit irritated and red, but I don't think much of it. But by Thursday, this is what I wake up to (this picture doesn't do the redness and size justice):

My arm is swollen, this red circle is about 4 1/2 inches, it hurts and the itching is unbearable. So much for, it's no big deal. Ugh! Of course when I call the doctor to make an appointment, they have me talk to a nurse who tells me they can't do anything for me unless it starts to streak; just apply the Benadryl cream. Unfortunately that only gives temporary relief. Anyhow, to make a long story short, the arm is almost healed (of course it STILL itches) and now I am ten times more scared of stingy bugs. And since I don't know what stung me, I'm afraid of all of them. So, when you see me running away screaming and there is a stingy bug following me...don't laugh please squish it! :-)
Oh Lynda! You poor thing. I swear stingy bugs are attracted to your scent! That looks awful! I am glad you are getting better. How annoying!
Lynda!!!!!!! Holy crud, that is HUGE!!!! It's too bad you don't know what kind of stingy bug it was, I'd like to know! How awful!!!
Holy Cow! I didn't realize your sting was that bad! I'm sorry that happened to you. Why can't bugs give kisses?
OUCH!!! I'm glad it's getting better...
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