So, try as I might I was unable to find a theme for Ron and I to dress up like. So, he went as a mad scientist (too perfect I think) and I went as cute little red riding hood! On Friday night our friends, the Helm's, went to our church Fall Festival where Ron and their daughter Aliana won the cake walk! :-) Saturday was Ron's Fall Festival at RVU and both of us worked at booths (Ron got credit hours for it, I was a volunteer). I must admit there were some very clever costumes. And then we attend the Helm's church Fall Festival. So lots of activities & no trick-or-treaters Sunday night. Sad...more candy for me I suppose! :-)
Alaina & I

Two "sisters" witches & a witch in training

Little Red Riding Hood & Mad Scientist
We are twin Little Red Riding Hoods! You did a lot of fun things! I just love dressing up!
Hahaha, looooooooooove Ron's made scientist costume, so funny! You guys are the best! And have I told you how much I love your header pic?! It rocks!
You and Ron are so fun to dress up and get involved. Blake and I were lame and didn't dress up at all this year. Your costumes were perfect!
I love Ron's costume! He looks awesome. And you make such a cute little red riding hood. Fun! Jake is totally anti dressing up. Although I can't really say I am totally disappointed about it though. :)
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