So, this last week we went to the downtown Aquarium w/our friend, Hannah. Ron and got stuck in rush hour traffic, so the usual 20 min drive took us over an hour and a half (thanks to an accident on the side of the road). I am so glad that I will not be commuting to Denver (at least for the time being). Don't get me wrong, I love aquariums, but the price was a bit steep for how small the aquarium actually was. I was a bit disappointed, but I was also spoiled by visiting the most amazing aquarium in South Carolina. If you have kids, I would recommend it (again, be warned, the price is a bit steep) but otherwise you could take it or leave it. I am glad that we are visiting all these fun places in Denver. I am really loving the area and all it has to offer!

Who doesn't love seahorses...they are such amazing creatures!
There is a tiger in this display (see next picture). In theory it's a neat idea...realistically, I bet he hates it, since I'm sure they frown upon eating the fish!!! :-)
I love turtles...but Ron won't let me get one!
Find Nemo!
By this picture, Ron was ready to take my camera & throw it in one of the tanks! Spoil sport! ;-)
There are sharks in the tank behind us!

The jellyfish were soooo cool!
Fun Lynda! I love the turtle sticking its head all the way out! And your finding nemo pics. Way cute!
Look at all the fun you're having!!! I love the fish with the fire eyes, eeeks!
That does look like fun, but weird that there is a tiger there with all the fish. You and ron are cute!
How fun! Glad you're enjoying colorado. :)
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