Nadia : swimsuit model (Michelle)
Joey : bodacious surfer dude (Yvone)
Holly : wealthy socialite (me)
Chief Wiki-Wiki: tribal chief (Mike)
Leilani : Hawaiian hula dancer (Amanda)
Les : camera-toting, befuddled tourist (Ron)
As a funny side note, my character was married to a billionaire. Her husband died and she hid it so she could continue to live in luxury. Ron's character escaped from prison!! Joey was the murder! Here are some super fun pictures (and a movie) of how I spent my 26th birthday! Enjoy!
Ha! Lynda! That is so awesome! We did this exact Murder Mystery with Danny's family on New Years and it was hilarious! I'm so glad you did it! I was Leilani and Danny was Les Baggs. Here, this is my post about it with Danny's crazy family (his dad is wearing the psycho long wig as chief wiki wiki!):
That is so awesome and it looks like you guys had tons of fun. Love the guy with the war paint too, so cool!
Woops, that didn't work. Just look at my New Year's post in January. But your version was definitely more decorated, LOVE it! And Happy Birthday again! :)
Oh and another P.S. You look gorgeous, *love* your dress!!!
Love it! It looks like so much fun! Hope it was (as a rich billionaire might say)... mahvelous, simply mahvelous.
I am so glad you had so much fun! That is great you went to a fun birthday party and your flowers turned out so good! You look really cute in all your pictures.
Taylor....aka Kali
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