So, I got a sad phone call from home this afternoon. My mom and dad had to put down the family dog, Max. He was so old and so sick, that they finally decided this was his best option. :-( He has been a part of our family for almost 12 years and we've estimated he was about 17 yrs old (in doggie years). He came into our family at a really difficult time, right before my brother was diagnosed w/a brain tumor (my senior year of high school). We believe that Max was meant to be a part of our family. During that period before my brother was diagnosed he spent a lot of time running away from home. One winter day he got lost in the woods, and later told us that a black dog brought him back into town. Well, after we went looking to adopt a dog we found Max at PAWS and Louie instantly took a liking to him...it was almost if they had seen each other before and had this special bond. We later determined that this was the same dog that saved my brother. So, we have a special place in our heart for him! He was such a good doggie, always lending an ear when you needed a good cry and always willing to give you a lick (whether you wanted it or not). My doggie, Max, is going to be sadly missed (my mother was crying when she called me...I knew deep down she loved him even though she always told us she didn't like him (and then would pat him on the head when we weren't looking))...but we know he is happy in doggie heaven! "All Dogs Go to Heaven", right?!?! :-)